Saturday, October 5, 2013

after wedding shot... really romantic. it's the kind of picture you look at 10 years down the road when you're having a tough day and you immediately remember why you got married and how much you love the other person.

after wedding shot... really romantic. it's the kind of picture you look at 10 years down the road when you're having a tough day and you immediately remember why you got married and how much you love the other person.
after wedding shot... really romantic. it's the kind of picture you look at 10 years down the road when you're having a tough day and you immediately remember why you got married and how much you love the other person.
pink wedding dress #rose
pink wedding dress #rose
Stunning Wedding Dresses by Anna Campbell 2013
Stunning Wedding Dresses by Anna Campbell 2013
? Wedding Dress
? Wedding Dress

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